6th Grade Social Events: Plan activities and coordinate chaperones for social events for 6th graders.
Chairs: Tamara Lal, Rachel Rilander and Stacey Strauss
7th Grade Social Events: Plan activities and coordinate chaperones for events/initiatives for 7th graders.
Chairs: Carly Grossberg & Annie Katzenberg
8th Grade Social Events: Assist the Community Council in planning and coordinating chaperones for 8th grade events.
Chairs: Heather Conneely, Mariuxi Menzer and Jenny Scarpelli
Audit: Audit SMS PTA financial records in July after close of fiscal year (June 30).
Chair: Zhendi Shi
BOE Budget Study: Attend/watch videos of Board of Education budget meetings and budget study sessions in winter to help inform the SMS community of school budget issues.
Chairs: Manisha Marria and Liz Rubinstein
Book Fair: Coordinate fall and spring book fairs.
Chairs: Eileen Golenbock, Lauren Fields, Cecelia Scheira and Alicia Trujillo
Clothing/Spirit Wear: Select, order and distribute school clothing and spirit wear for limited sales periods in fall and spring.
Chairs: Lauren Dubin, Beth Keyser, and Leslie Perelman
Communications: Compose weekly PTA e-blast communications throughout the year.
Chair: Casey Klurfeld
Community Service: Suggest and assist with community service activities and events during the year such as the post-Halloween candy drive, the canned food drive, and used school supplies collection
Chairs: Berit Berger and Michelle Schwartz
Compact Committee:
Parent representatives: Diksha Mudbhary and Mimi Robinson
Directory/Membership: Compile, edit, proofread, and disseminate SMS student directory, including both print and password-protected online versions, and track membership.
Chair: Yuriy Grechukhin
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion: Develop initiatives and programs to encourage and enhance DEI practices at SMS.
Chairs: Heedan Chung and Saum Shetty
Environmental/Sustainability: Support and bring awareness to environmental and sustainability initiatives and efforts in the District and, specifically, at SMS, such as the SMS garden, recycling, and the walking school bus
Chairs: Mega Kapur and Shama Shaqi
Hospitality: Set up refreshments at PTA general meetings and events and at grade level parent coffees
Chair: Amanda Zaitchik
Legislative: Study and disseminate information concerning federal, state, and local legislation impacting schools and educational policy (under guidance of PT Council)
Chairs: Lauren Fields and Niloufar Sharifi
Library Services: Assist school librarian with author visits, book shelving, and library activities
Chairs: Laura Bower & Priya Kumar
Multicultural: Plan and coordinate events to unite and celebrate SMS's diverse cultures and traditions, such as the Welcome Coffee (for parents and Youth Outreach Workers), Potluck Lunch in conjunction with SHS PTA (for parents and District administrators) and Spring International Lunch (for students only); welcome and facilitate introduction of new families from abroad to SMS and to the Scarsdale community.
Chairs:Trish Chen, Shari Fayer, Priya Kumar and Michele Richardson
Nutrition/Cafeteria Lunch Liaison: Liaison with various District administrators and SMS regarding healthy nutritional options and quality food service in the SMS house cafeterias.
Chair: Jodi Greebel
Programs: Plan speakers, panels, and other topics for discussion at SMS PTA meetings and coordinate efforts with counterparts in other PTAs within the District.
Chair: Erica Papir
School Supply Kits: Coordinate with House Counselors to create back to school supply lists. Coordinate with vendor to sell online in June-August.
Chair: Gina Chon
SMS Community Book Club: Organizes a few book reading and book discussion events during the school year.
Chairs: Dana Wiczyk and Shana Frazin (librarian)
Pizza Lunch: Coordinate the sale of pizza during lunch on selected days throughout the year.
6th Grade chair: Julie Balsam
7th Grade chair: Allison Rosenzwaig
8th Grade chair: Nicole Zlomislic
Speech Contest: Arrange dinner for volunteer judges of the annual 7th and 8th grade speech (public speaking) contest in March.
Chairs: Lisa Fieldston, Valerie Phillips and Manisha Sachdev
Staff Appreciation Lunch: Plan and organize a spring thank-you luncheon for SMS administrators, teachers, and staff (parents and students do not attend).
Chairs: Michelle Groark and Rohini Sahni
Webmaster: Create and update all SMS PTA webpage content, including sales forms and reports.
Chair: Amanda Glattstein
Wellness: Create and organize initiatives/messaging to promote wellness within school community.
Chair: Debbie Bhatt
Liaisons to PTC, District, and Community Organizations 2024-2025:
Friends of Music and Arts: Marisa Yang
Nutrition/Cafeteria Liaison: Jodi Greebel
PTC Voting Delegates: Gina Chon and Laura Thierer
Scarsdale Adult School: Hulya O'Doherty
Scarsdale Action for Youth (SAY) - formerly Drug & Alcohol Task Force: Alison Geldowitz
SHS PTA Scholarship Fund for College: Gina Chon
SMS Community Council (formerly the Student Organization): Emily Hira and Gina Chon
Sports Swap: Jill Rappaport
Technology Policy: Staci Greene
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 24
- Tuesday, March 25
- Wednesday, March 26
- Thursday, March 27
- Friday, March 28
- Sunday, March 30
- Monday, March 31
- Tuesday, April 1