Drive slowly and be aware of walkers and cyclists around the school!

Families who choose to drive their students to school, must abide by the published campus traffic patterns. Additional signage is posted for one-way traffic and authorized times for turning on and off various access routes. Cars must drop off passengers out of the traffic flow, and always pull as close to the curb as possible when dropping off passengers.
The Lower Center traffic circle is a permanent ONE WAY out (toward Mamaroneck Road) only. DO NOT ENTER SIGNS are posted and arrows are painted to direct the flow of traffic.
The ONLY WAY traffic will enter the grounds is via the rear entrance off Kelwynne Road. There will be NO ENTRY signs from Mamaroneck Road during drop-off and pick-up times: 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please note this restriction covers before school rehearsal drop-off times and after school pick-up times.
Parents may drop-off students at the Lower Circle in the morning. You should then follow the sign and bear right in order to exit onto Mamaroneck Road. If you wish to drop-off at the Upper Circle, then you must BEAR RIGHT at the lower Circle and then turn left to go up the hill. Again, please follow the painted arrows. In the afternoon, minibuses ONLY will be allowed to wait/park at the Lower Circle area adjacent to the building. If you are picking-up your child near the Lower Circle in the afternoon, please pull up towards the right side of the Lower Circle (closer to the fields).
The only point for exiting the grounds during the above times is via the Mamaroneck Road exit. Again, cars must turn right onto Mamaroneck Road. Buses only will be permitted to turn left. No cars will be allowed to exit at the top of the Upper Circle. That point is designated as a “Staff Only Entrance” and will be blocked off during the designated times listed above.
If your child is eligible for District busing - we recommend that your child take the bus. We urge you to cooperate with these policies and ask you to follow the traffic flow pattern that has been established for the safety of our students, staff, parents and visitors. There is a limited amount of visitor parking available behind the former CHOICE building at the top of the hill and additional parking located near the tennis courts.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 24
- Tuesday, March 25
- Wednesday, March 26
- Thursday, March 27
- Friday, March 28
- Sunday, March 30
- Monday, March 31
- Tuesday, April 1