Welcome to SMS!
This is a very exciting time for you and your children. The PTA is here to help! This page will continue to be updated with important dates, links, and FAQ. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at scarsdalemiddleschoolpta. We hope you find this a valuable resource. Another great source of information is the Scarsdale Middle School Handbook 2023-2024.
6th Grade Orientation Playlist
Replay of Orientation with SMS Principals (from 4/22/21)
Can you explain some of the terms used at SMS (House, Quarterly, Center)?
Please view our Summary of Key Terms.
What is the House system?
Middle School students are assigned to one of four Houses - Butler, Cooper, Fountain, or Popham. Seventh and eighth graders may elect to be in the alternative program, CHOICE.
The student population in the four Houses is balanced according to ability levels, gender, music and world language choices and a distribution from the five elementary schools. Within the Houses, faculty members in the basic subjects are organized into academic teams. There is a sixth, seventh and eighth grade team in each of the four houses.
What courses are offered/required for SMS students?
Every sixth, seventh, and eighth grader is required to take English, social studies, mathematics, and science.
World Language: Beginning in Grade 6, a student may elect to take French or Spanish every other day for the first semester and every day for the second semester. In 7th and 8th grades, the students continue studying their world language five (5) days a week. Students who do not elect to take a world language will receive local effort support services through the TAS program and their teachers.
Programs in health, technology, and group guidance are also offered as part of the curriculum in the 6th through 8th grades.
All students take music and physical education every year.
What are "Quarterlies"?
Each quarter, students are assigned to a particular course to add variety to their schedules. Quarterlies are one period in a student’s schedule and rotate quarterly so that each student will have an opportunity to take each course once during the respective school year.
6th Grade: Art, 6th Grade Seminar/Computer Technology, Health, Technology.
What are the music requirements at SMS?
All students participate in the Middle School Music Program all three years. All sixth, seventh and eight graders participate in a performing group (Band, Orchestra or Chorus) or take Exploring Music.
Students who play band or orchestral instruments may join these groups to improve instrumental techniques and to participate in ensemble playing. Auditions are not required; however, if a student has little or no experience playing a particular instrument, he/she should take private lessons before the start of school to learn how to play. The general expectation in band and orchestra is that students have at least an advanced beginner skill in their instrument.
Band/Orchestra performance opportunities include concerts and assemblies. These groups have one required 7:20 a.m. rehearsal each week. In addition, there are after-school jazz bands, one District-wide (grades four through six) and one for grades seven and eight.
Chorus is open to all students; auditions are not required (except in select groups). A variety of music is sung, including pop, rock, folk, and classical. Students are required to attend two early morning rehearsals prior to the concerts.
Evening performances for all ensembles are given during the year and concert participation is a requirement of these courses.
Through the Exploring Music class, sixth grade students will investigate various styles of music, cultures, cutting-edge technology, and musical instruments. Seventh graders will explore the music symbol system through learning basic pitch and rhythm fundamentals and will learn how to apply what is learned through performance and composition using keyboards (piano), percussion instruments, and acoustic guitars. In addition, students will develop and use technology skills to create music. Eighth grade students will experience music through composing/arranging, playing keyboard and percussion instruments, and examining the development of song
Students will participate in a variety of individual and group projects. This is not a performance based class. Exploring Music is a 3-year commitment.
What is Keystone?
The Keystone program is an advisory program that seeks to support the wellness of the whole student by creating a small group environment that nurtures social, emotional, and academic development. This positive community fosters connections, enhances academics, builds resilience, develops empathy, and helps students forge a strong sense of self. Just as a keystone locks together an arch, building connections and forming relationships bring our SMS community together.
The SMS Keystone program pairs a teacher-leader with a group of 12-14 students. Over the course of the school year, the students will build relationships with each other and their teacher. Keystone establishes trust, incorporates fun, and provides time to engage in a meaningful wellness curriculum. Keystone groups will meet each day (8:10-8:17) to view the morning news show with their advisor. Every other Monday, there will be an extended Keystone meeting for 28 minutes. These meetings will focus on Character Strong activities to support social-emotional learning competencies and character development.
Will my child receive an iPad?
Yes. Each student in 6th will receive an iPad that will travel with them throughout the day and to their homes each night. Students will be given their iPad, case and keyboard in the first few weeks of school. Parents will be given the option to purchase insurance for their child’s device. This 1:1 program will ensure that all students are on an equal playing field in their use of technology. It will not matter what device they have access to at home because we will provide that common tool. Much of the middle school’s innovative work has centered on the creation of multimedia projects and digital publishing which the iPad supports. We have identified opportunities to differentiate learning with the iPad and meet our students where they are in their educational journeys. It will be more than a personal device; it will personalize learning for the individual student.
In a typical year, SMS strives to ensure that devices are not the main focus of a student’s life at school and that there are opportunities for students to be removed from their screens.
What if we have a technical support issue on the iPad?
In dealing with technical support issues, we ask that students (or parents on a student's behalf) use the dedicated tech support form available as a link from the student iPad home screen. If the device is unusable, the form can be accessed at the following link.
What are the accommodations for students with special needs? What is TAS? LRC?
SMS has a parallel curriculum program, a learning resource center program, self-contained classes and team academic support (TAS). Each House has a Learning Disabilities specialist. Students are assigned to these programs after consultation with teachers and the House Counselor and based on demonstrated need
Parents may contact the House Counselor if they believe their child should be in a TAS program. Students participating in this program do not miss any academic classes. Sixth graders are scheduled during the reading period in order to avoid conflicts with academic classes.
Teachers are available for extra help on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (Fridays at the teacher’s discretion).
Does my child need a cell phone? What is the cell phone policy at SMS?
It is the policy of the Middle School to permit students to have cell phones at school. SMS recognizes that many middle school students and their families use cell phones as the primary tool for communication both before and after school hours.
During the academic day however (including lunch period), cell phones and other electronic devices are distracting nuisances that interfere with instruction. Any student found using a cell phone or other device prior to 2:30pm will have the device confiscated. All confiscated items will be turned in to the student’s House office. Students can collect them at the end of the school day. In an emergency students are instructed not to use their cell phones. Please do not call them during an emergency.
In addition, students are prohibited to use a cell phone or any electronic device to record, store, or transmit any information or images that infringe upon the rights of others, or are disruptive, or are otherwise inappropriate in an educational setting.
As cell phones are not permitted during the academic day (and lunch), how can my child communicate with me during this time?
There is a phone available in the House Offices and the Main Office for students to use during lunch periods and after school.
Can my child stay after school? What activities/resources are available/offered?
There are numerous opportunities after school for students to help them build their academic skills, learn a new sport or develop a new hobby.
Teachers are available for extra help on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. The Library is open every day except Mondays until 3:30.
Modified Sports are offered all three seasons for 7th and 8th graders only.
In addition, Middle School faculty advisors offer additional After School Activities for students. A partial list includes: Art Club, Robotics, Ecology, Math Counts, Science Olympiad, Young Men and Young Women in Leadership and the Literary Magazine.
Our Intramural Program includes fitness and open gym activities. An After School Activities Fair is held in late September during the lunch periods.
Please note: Students are welcome to stay after school as long as it is for one of the above listed activities. In those situations, students are supervised by adults. Students are not permitted to stay after school just to “hang out”, and we cannot be responsible for students who congregate in unsupervised areas. Students who do not adhere to these guidelines may be barred from staying after school and may face disciplinary consequences.
What is the Student Organization (S.O.)?
The Student Organization meets on a regular basis throughout the year with the faculty advisor Meghan Kelly, Nicole Sassone, and Jessica Agovino. Officers are elected by a school- wide vote after campaigns are conducted. Representatives from all grades are elected through voting in social studies classes in the fall. The S.O. sponsors school dances, talent shows, and other student activities. Some of these events are used to raise funds for various charities.
How do the buses work?
To ease traffic congestion, students should ride the buses to school if they are eligible for bus service.
At the close of school each afternoon, buses will leave the Middle School at 2:45 p.m. A late bus will depart at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday through Friday for students who wish to participate in activities, confer with a teacher or use the library. This bus is available only to those students eligible for transportation.
How do I know if my child is eligible for the bus? When will I receive detailed information?
Students eligible for transportation will be provided a bus schedule and other necessary information by the end of August.
Bus passes will be distributed to students on the first day of school in homeroom. Students may only ride on the buses to which they are assigned. Any exceptions to this must be referred to an Assistant Principal.
More information about District Transportation can be found on their website. Any questions about District Transportation can be directed toward Gerson Katuemutima, Supervisor of Transportation, Tel: 914-721-2435.
What if we do not qualify for a District Bus?
There are also private buses that are arranged by parent groups for those students who live within 1 1/2 miles of the school. These buses do not run at 3:30 p.m, except QR/Secor Farms. Current contact information can be found here.
**Please note that private buses are not run or coordinated by the Scarsdale School District or SMS PTA.**
How can I sign up for grade-level parent group?
Sponsored by Scarsdale Edgemont Family Counseling Service, groups meet monthly and are led by mental health professionals who work within the Middle and High School. Real-time issues impacting Scarsdale youth and families are addressed, including anxiety and organization of schoolwork, social media, peer acceptance, drugs/alcohol and adolescent development.
SFCS offers 5th Grade Parent Groups that meet in May and June. Groups continue to meet as a 6th grade Parent Support Group in the fall and will run through the High School years. To join a parent support group, please contact Ashley Sirna or (914) 721-2642.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 24
- Tuesday, March 25
- Wednesday, March 26
- Thursday, March 27
- Friday, March 28
- Sunday, March 30
- Monday, March 31
- Tuesday, April 1