Jamf Parent allows parents to have control over screen time and apps on their child's school issued iPad.


When does the Jamf Parent App Work?

  • Parents have the option of setting time and content controls outside of school hours. Therefore, parental controls will not be in effect on weekdays between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm but can be established outside of this timeframe.

  • Parents will have the ability to control the iPads during extended school holidays day and night.


What should I know before I enable parental controls?

It's important to discuss with your children any specific needs they have for the iPad before implementing parental controls. Some sample questions are included below. 

  • How much time do you need each evening for homework?

  • How much time do you need over the weekend for homework?

  • What time do you typically finish your homework?


How do I enable parental controls?

The District uses a software called JAMF to manage our iPads, and parental controls are available through a feature called JAMF Parent. 


Who do I contact if I have technical issues?

Please use this form for technical support. 


Please contact Jennifer Cronk, SMS computer teacher, with any questions.