Welcome to the SMS commYOUnity!
Membership Toolkit is our school PTA communications service, student directory, payment system and website manager. Please register your family below to receive our weekly e-newsletter, to join the PTA, volunteer on a PTA committee, purchase items, sign up for parent and student activities, and more! Please register students with their 2024-25 grade level.
If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another school or organization, you can use the same log-in above.
Invalid form.PTA membership - join!
ONLY MEMBERS of the SMS PTA gain access our online directory, receive our weekly e-blasts and participate in PTA programs.
Along with paying your membership dues, you can purchase our printed student directory and student planner, purchase pizza day and international luncheon event tickets, as well as make an optional donation to the PTA.
learn what's happening - read the SMS PTA eblast!
Stay up to date and don't miss out on all the exciting events and programs organized by the SMS PTA! Check out the latest Middle School Matters e-newsletter in your account's Newsletter Archives Page. Please note that you need to be a member to access the PTA newsletter and participate in its programming. Please join us, see above to become a member!
GET INVOLVED AT SMS! volunteer today!
Get involved at SMS 2024-25! The PTA runs many amazing programs for our students, and we appreciate any time you have!
~ For questions, please contact 2024-25 SMS PTA President, Emily Hira.
download the membership toolkit app to your smartphone
The Membership Toolkit app is available for free in the Apple Store and in Google Play. Access the SMS student directory, register for PTA programs and purchase items, view the SMS calendar, our eblast archive and much more.
FINANCIAL AID - a note from chris coughlin
The PTA and I would like to be sure that all children have the opportunity to take advantage of the wonderful extras the Middle School has to offer.
If your family’s financial situation makes it difficult for you to cover the cost of PTA membership, school supplies, after school clubs, or field trips, financial assistance is available to you. Please contact your child's House Counselor to discuss. All communications will be held in the strictest confidence.
Chris Coughlin
SMS Principal
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Saturday, March 15
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18